As above, so below: Unraveling the Tapestry of Breath and Destiny
B12 - The Symphony of the Cosmos: Unveiling the Secrets of the Five Elements within
B11 - Unveiling the Tapestry Within: A Journey Through the Chakras
B10 - Beyond Duality: Unveiling the Power Within
B09 - Unveiling the Duality Within: A Journey Through Nadis and the Dance of Shiva-Shakti
B08 - Unveiling the Hidden Universe: Exploring Prana, the Breath of Life with Swara Yoga
B07 - Unveiling the Koshas: A Transformative Journey with Swara Yoga
B06- Beyond the Breath: A Journey to Higher Consciousness Through Swara Yoga
B05- Unlocking the Secrets of Mind and Consciousness: A Journey to Oneness
B04- Unveiling the Connection: Consciousness and Energy in Swara Yoga
B03- The Unassuming Gateway: A Breathtaking Journey of Self-Discovery
B02- A Swara Yoga Exploration: From a Simple Breath to the Tapestry of Creation
B01- Breathe Your Way to Self-Discovery: The Power of Swara Yoga for Mind & Body