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Unlocking Higher Consciousness: Yogi Guru Gorakhnath's Guide to Tattva-Vicàra in Yoga Philosophy for Intellectual Self-Discipline

Embarking on an unbiased quest for truth through philosophical reflection is not merely an intellectual pursuit, but a transformative journey, as espoused by Yogi Guru Gorakhnath. At the core of yogic self-discipline, Guru Gorakhnath positions philosophical reflection, known as Tattva-Vicàra1, as the catalyst for elevating consciousness to higher planes, gradually liberating the mind from the confines of intellectual theories and sentimental attachments.

Guru Gorakhnath's teachings extend beyond mere intellectual pursuits. He advocates shedding biases, prejudices, and emotional clingings to ascend to a pure spiritual plane, enabling a direct experience of the Absolute Truth. In guiding truth-seekers, Guru Gorakhnath emphasizes a holistic approach to intellectual self-discipline.

The discipline of Yoga, when systematically explored, delves into both external and internal dimensions of human existence. Addressing the physical body, senses, nerves, and more, it seeks to establish perfect control and harmony, refining and spiritualizing the entire psycho-physiological organism.

Guru Gorakhnath underscores the importance of a profound understanding of the organism's structure, coupled with a clear conception of the Supreme Ideal, forming the basis of any exposition of Yoga. This approach, blending scientific and philosophical backgrounds, is crucial for realizing the Absolute Truth in a state of tranquil, integral, and illuminated consciousness.

A central theme in Guru Gorakhnath's teachings is the universality of truth, transcending linguistic forms or intellectual paths. He urges the mind to earnestly seek truth with sincerity, cautioning against undue attachment to specific language forms or thinking methods. Through this, he invites practitioners to transcend linguistic and intellectual confines in their quest for the eternal verity that lies beyond.


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